Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jinji Lake at Night

The previous post showed some images of Jinji Lake by day.  In one of the photos, you could see some weird hardware sticking up out of the water.  That weird hardware is part of the infrastructure for the water and light show.
 The water and light show is performed every Friday and Saturday evening at 8:00 pm sharp.   At least it is now.  I don't know whether it will be done more frequently when summer comes.   Right now, though, it is definitely just Fridays and Saturdays.  I know this, because I can see it from the apartment.
 In truth, it's water, light, laser, fire, and music.   The show goes on for at least 30 minutes with tunes blaring - tunes ranging from the Star Wars theme to more traditional Chinese melodies.  The water jets go up and down and sideways to the music. Every so often there is a burst of flames - guaranteed to draw "oohs" and "aahs" from the crowd...but not very oohsome or aahsome to photograph.  (The intense brightness overwhelms my camera.)
 You can just make out the laser in some of the photographs.  It's the green thing.  It darts and weaves around to paint images just like a kid waving a sparkler on the Fourth of July.  There is a point in the show where they turn the lights down and project holographic images on misting water.   These are probably the coolest part of the show.  They don't photograph well, though.
 I haven't yet figured out where they hide the working hardware for all this.  By that I mean the pumps and such.  Given the size and the heights of the jets, I'm curious as to whether they're using straight mechanical pumps or compressed air.  Also, I'm also curious as to how they make the flames... is it gas or are they atomizing a liquid like hexane?  It would be good to know should I ever want to build one of these in the back yard.

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